Announced earlier this week by the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre, the news comes just as GIA prepares to close its Antwerp facility.

It is the organization’s only laboratory in Europe, but shipping services to other locations will be available.

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The lab is going all digital, starting with the GIA Diamond Dossier in January 2023.

It will introduce the 8X Oval and 8X Princess Diamond Cut Grade certificates at the upcoming JCK Las Vegas jewelry trade show.

The partnership reduces the amount of data entry required on appraisal documents, Instappraise said.

The untitled marketing campaign tells consumers GIA has graded some of the most important diamonds in the world, including theirs.
The grading lab is accredited as an SCS Global Gem Identification Verification Provider.

The lab’s new Assurance program offers an e-commerce fulfillment program and a drop-ship service.

Having the right testing equipment is as necessary as a scale for any diamond business today, but selecting the right machine isn’t easy.

AIGS has added a report for “jedi” spinel that aims to set quality standards for the trade term.

Graders at HRD Antwerp found this one, a HPHT-treated natural diamond inscribed with the report number of an untreated stone.

Prospective students can apply online now through Sept. 30.

Though it’s unclear why someone would treat the material in that way, it’s important gemologists know it exists, the lab said.

The HB Academy will offer classes for prospective specialists and jewelry retailers, and continuing education for its own employees.
All SCS-007 certified diamonds graded, scanned, and laser inscribed by the gem lab can now carry a “Sustainably Rated” claim.

Beissekova has been dreaming of gemstones since she was a sandbox excavator.

Diamonds must receive a grade of “excellent” across eight criteria to be deemed an 8X.

Starting in Q4, the lab will use the same color and clarity terms as it does for natural diamonds.

The evolution of the lab report in today’s colored gemstone market has led to debate over origin determination, color calls and how labs work together (or don’t).