Lilian Raji offers advice to a reader frustrated with the current state of their company’s website.

Lilian Raji discusses the importance of having an intentional website design that aligns with your brand or store’s goals.

Lilian Raji gives advice to designers on how to make the most of great publicity opportunities.

Lilian Raji offers advice to a business owner who is having trouble crossing the finish line with customers.

Lilian Raji offers advice to a “small brand with big dreams” that is unsure of what its next step should be.

True evolution often involves taking a leap of faith, Lilian Raji writes upon her return after a personally challenging year.

Columnist Lilian Raji introduces readers to awareness, consideration, decision, and loyalty.

Columnist Lilian Raji continues her tour of the customer journey by asking, who is your customer? And, what do they like?

If you’re having trouble answering this question, columnist Lilian Raji can help you get a started with a few fill-in-the-blank statements.

Columnist Lilian Raji wants to walk you through the customer journey. But first, she’d like you to answer a few questions.

National Jeweler’s resident PR adviser Lilian Raji returns with thoughts on the importance of never giving up and continuing to evolve.

Had a bad year? You’re not alone, writes our resident PR adviser, Lilian Raji, in her latest column.

In the final installment of her series on internal influencers, Lilian Raji shares tips for gaining more Instagram followers organically.

Lilian Raji gives a lesson on hashtags in her latest column on influencer marketing. #Readit.

To start, it requires having someone on staff who has that certain je ne sais quoi, Lilian Raji writes.

Lilian Raji continues with her answer to last month’s question about micro-influencers.

Lilian Raji recommends you start by combing through your Instagram feed to find people with a sizable, engaged group of followers.

National Jeweler’s resident PR Adviser, Lilian Raji, responds to a jewelry designer who is feeling ignored.

A jewelry store or brand celebrating a major anniversary must go beyond crafting banners and throwing a big bash, Lilian Raji writes.

Lilian Raji suggests jewelry designers take a cue from Daniel Day Lewis’ character in “Phantom Thread.”

Yes, says Lilian Raji, though her affirmative answer comes with a few caveats.

Lilian Raji helps facilitate a conversation on how brands can determine if someone is violating their trademark and whether legal action is warranted.

Lilian Raji hates to give exhibitors another thing to think about before Las Vegas but … what’s your PR strategy?

How do you know when your jewelry line or brand is ready for public relations? Lilian Raji will tell you.

Lilian Raji relinquishes control of her column this month to answer a question on how to obtain a licensing agreement with a major jewelry company.